Sound Asleep

Sound Asleep


Seriously though, this oil blend will have you sleeping like a log.

Let's be honest, we all need a restful sleep to operate the following day.

We all know sleep is important. Your body regenerates and replenishes from the day gone. It’s how your gut processes the day’s nourishment and releases toxins. Sleep allows your hormones to reset and recalibrate.

But if you are over thinking, upset, feeling grief or sadness or possibly judging ourselves for not doing enough in the day, how will you have a good nights rest?

This is your permission to pause, rest and simply be. Allow this blanket of comfort and serenity to wash over you. Release judgement and allow growth no matter what that looks like. Bring your mind to stillness. Feel completely peaceful and dispel any unwanted negative energy.

A still mind is your chance to quieten the outside chatter to turn inward to your truth.

Let go to let in.

Ready for a good night's sleep


Lavender, Cedarwood, Vetiver, Marjoram Pure Essential Oils, Fractionated Coconut Oil.

No chemicals, fragrances, parabens, GMO’s, fillers, dyes, surfactants, phthalates or any added nasties

Store in a cool dry place.


Safe to use in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding. Allergies or sensitivities to ingredients. In case of allergies or sensitivity to ingredients, test a small patch of skin on the wrist and leave on for 2-3 hours before using as below.


Roll on wrists, back of the neck, along the spine and soles of the feet before bed.

Disclaimer: Here at Tanvi Wardojo, we offer supplementary and Holistic Health and Wellness information which is designed for education in order to help you live a high vibrational lifestyle. This information does not substitute, nor does it replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Relax & Soften

10ml Roller Blend

100% Natural. Handmade in Australia. Vegan.

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Calm your Farm



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Calm your Farm 50ml Spray
